lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Christmas Time

Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year, christmas is full of magic, christmas is time of love, familiy and happines; opinions just opinions. I always have been a fanatic of christmas season, every year i have waited for the time of streets iluminated, jingles and family, because i had illusion for christmas i found it a very special festivity; but now everything has changed.

This year, all have been different, i have been feeling like i wasn't at christmas, for me these weeks have been like any others of the year. First, this is the first year that i have to study on hollydays and it has made that i couldn't enjoy christmas at all. Also, this is the first christmas since my grandma died and my whole family could feel the emptynees of her ausence and i don't know but this year Christmas haven't been like it was.

Then this Christmas for me have been the worst, for many reasons but the most important because I couldn't feel any of the Christmas spirit in me and if you don't feel excited for something it's really hard to enjoy of it.

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Outline : " Christmas time"

Christmas, time of love, family and gratefull for me; for others, an absurd festivity with an only purporse; spend money.
1.-What makes Christmas special?
                         1.1. Christmas is time of get reunited with family and spend more time t
                                1,2. Magic feels in the air, streets get beautiful with lights and Christmas                                               decorations.

                                           1.3. Christmas make some people think and sometimes let see the
                                               best of them.

2.- Why some people hate Christmas?

                        2.1. One reason is that some people have not any family to spend this days.
                                 2.2. Other ones think that Christmas is a festivity made just to make
                                    money and they're against this,

                                           2.3. And others just don't like the festivity as I could say that
                                               I don't like horror films .

3.- Christmas has been urned into a really commercial festivity.

                           3.1. Many years ago Christmas was made to celebrate the good times with
                                 family and friends.

                                  3.2. Now seems that Christmas without presents is not Christmas.

4.- Differences between North American Christmas and Spanish ones.

                           4.1. Days of celebration: Are differents, for example they have Thanksgiving
                               and we don't have this festivity.

                                   4.2. Food: Americans prepare different recipes than us, like the
                                       famous Turkey.

Christmas Time is not the same for all, for ones the most beautiful time of the year, for others another stupid festivity.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Introduction and conclusion


Why always want what we don't have? Who have blonde hair would want to have brown hair and who have blue eyes want to have a green one. If you have a red T-Shirt and your friend has a blue one, you want it. If your brother have some new you want too and viceversa. It shows that we're never satisfied with what we have, we always want more and more.


Humans are capricious by nature, we spent our time fighting for have something, and when we have it, we already want a new one. We never stop in what we reach, we are always wanting more and it will be that way, because we aren't made to conform us, we are made for improve ourselves and for this we always want what we haven't.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

My favourite Tv show: Glee.

For me, you realize that something is your favourite one, because when you watch it or whatever you lose the track of time; this happen to me with Glee. I began to watch it some years ago in antena 3 Tv, althought it had been released like a year after I saw it for the first time. It suddlenly caught all my attention, because it had two things that I really like; music and love.

My favourite personage it's clearly, Rachel. Because althought at the beggining of the show was really hard for she fit in with the others, she never fell apart. She have a really strong personality, very determinate and she has fought really hard for reaching her dreams and sometimes I would like to look like her ( in personality). Anyway Glee is my favourite show for many reasons, it shows how people that are so different could get united, and it is the base of this show. But now, it's going to end, because Fox is emitting the final season 6 and I feel really sad for knowing that won't be Glee anymore.

Then, Glee is my favourite show because it give me inspiration and motivation for reaching all I want in life. When I watch Glee all in my world dissapear, and this hour is one of the happiest of my day. No matter that it's going to end, because Glee will be in my heart for the rest of my life.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

" Happiness is in the smallest things".

I'm the clear example of happiness with the smaller things. I'm going to talk about things that make me happy. Get up every morning and be grateful for a new sunrise and see my cat sleepy in the end of my bed so peaceful. See the smile of my little nephew and the bright in his eyes.Also make me so happy the first song of the day which make that you start with all of the energy of the world. The sound of the birds and how the sunbeams poke out my window. Know that I’m alive and that i can feel a lot of emotions. Also make me happy listen to Ed Sheeran every night until i fall asleep. The day of my birthday is my favorite day of the year, i love it. I adore the sound of the rain and the smell that lets after. The inspiring songs that get into your soul are one of the most beautiful things in life. and surprises always make me feel exited, even if they're not for me. Dream, I’m always dreaming and i imagine me travelling all around the world reaching all of my dreams.  The beautiful moment when you look someone into the eyes and you reflect in them. When my mums makes my favorite food and I see my favorite TV show on Tuesday. The sensation of get reunited with old friends and make new ones. Sing make my life, i couldn't live without sing is my passion in life, is what always make me feel better. The sound of the waves and the smell of the sea make me feel free and I think that there's nothing better than see people i love happy, is so inspiring. I know that I’m strong and that I’m getting better every day of my life. In life beautiful things are just the most simple and these things are just a few of all, because for me life wouldn't be anything without the little moments that keeps in our hearts.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

"The adventages and disadventages of growing up paragraph".

Growing up is not easy for anyone. It's time of changing, in this time you begin to know new things and everything that you already know, never stay the same.
It has some adventages, when you grow everybody takes you more seriously, begin to apreciate more your ideas and opinions because they not come anymore from a kid. You also get more freedom for doing what you want and you start to run your own life. You're anymore a kid, you're a young adult, and your opinion is as valid as any other. But as all in life it has disadventages, you have to begin to earn your own money, because you aren't a kid anymore and your fathers don't have to do it for you, also you begin to have some problems, and you have to solve it by yourself because you're the only responsable of your life. You have to adquire some mature,it's time to make decisions and nobody is gonna be there for make it for you, because you have grown.
As all can know, maturing and growing up as the same time passing for the phase of realizing that almost everything in your life is going to change is not easy for nobody, but is something that has to happen, it has adventages and disadventages but it worth it.

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

My little angel

When i think about love his picture comes to my mind. All i can hear is the sound of his laughter; all i can see is the color of his eyes, and all I can feel is a sad feeling of yearning. 586, 4 km is what separate me from him; I’m going to talk about a sad but beautiful story of how love can transfer the distance.

Almost two years ago my little angel was born, he was called Marc. I never had known that i could love someone so little like I do until the day he was born and illuminated my life just with a smile.The sad in this story is that they live in Barcelona, they have their life there and i have mine here. I see them very occasionally and hurt me knowing that I’m not seeing him growing up. This is something that caused me pain for a long time until i realized that was something that i could change.My little has now almost two years and he is the most beautiful kid that I have ever seen in all my entire life. I love him even more than me because is a pure soul that haven't any bad intention, i love him because even having a bad day entering in Facebook and seeing a photo of him makes my day better, like today i was really sick with fever when he comes into my room and wake me up for surprise, i have to say that today is one of the best days in a long time. For the happiness that he brings to my life when i finished my career I’m going to live in Barcelona for a long time, it's one of my biggest goals. Finally i have to say that even sometimes gets hard, love runs out. I wouldn't change anything of my life since he is in, because seeing him happy always will be a reason to keep fighting in life.