martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

"The adventages and disadventages of growing up paragraph".

Growing up is not easy for anyone. It's time of changing, in this time you begin to know new things and everything that you already know, never stay the same.
It has some adventages, when you grow everybody takes you more seriously, begin to apreciate more your ideas and opinions because they not come anymore from a kid. You also get more freedom for doing what you want and you start to run your own life. You're anymore a kid, you're a young adult, and your opinion is as valid as any other. But as all in life it has disadventages, you have to begin to earn your own money, because you aren't a kid anymore and your fathers don't have to do it for you, also you begin to have some problems, and you have to solve it by yourself because you're the only responsable of your life. You have to adquire some mature,it's time to make decisions and nobody is gonna be there for make it for you, because you have grown.
As all can know, maturing and growing up as the same time passing for the phase of realizing that almost everything in your life is going to change is not easy for nobody, but is something that has to happen, it has adventages and disadventages but it worth it.

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